The Struggle of Al Maamoura Village Hospital During the Covid-19 Pandemic


“The community of Al Maamoura was facing a very poor economic and health situation even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Now it has become even worse,” states Dr. Hussam Elaribi, a 31-year-old doctor from the Village Hospital of Al Maamoura. Al Maamoura is among the areas in Western Libya most affected by the conflict.

“While COVID-19 cases peaked, health workers were not prepared to treat such a disease. We didn’t receive adequate trainings nor enough information to manage the quick spread of the infection.”

Dr. Hussam does not deny that he was quite skeptical when he received an invitation to attend the “Training of Trainers” on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) organized by the Italian NGO We World-GVC, in partnership with the Italian Cooperation (AICS) under the EU-funded programme “Baladiyati”. Thanks to Baladiyati, the Al Maamoura Village Hospital and other priority health facilities in Al Maamoura will be refurbished and provided with medical equipment and trainings on critical health topics.

“To be honest with you, I wasn’t very excited at first, since I thought I would hear the same story again and again. Well, thank God I attended the training eventually! I could not have expected the amount of knowledge I gained. As a doctor, I know the basics, but during the training on IPC I learned a great deal more about the measures to prevent the spread of infection, such as the importance of handwashing, how sharp objects can increase infection risks, the correct way to dispose of waste in relation to COVID-19 and the related dangers, and many other topics.” 

Dr. Hussam was highly satisfied with the training results, and he can already see the positive impact in his daily work at the Al Maamoura Village Hospital. As soon as he returned to the Hospital, he gathered his colleagues, nurses, and even the administrative staff to share with them what he had learnt. With a smile, he told us that he even organized ad hoc sessions at home with friends and family. “I am truly grateful for the opportunities offered by the Baladiyati Programme, which is making it possible to rehabilitate priority health care facilities, provide critical medical equipment and offer life-saving trainings like the one I attended. This initiative creates great support for public healthcare and can really make a difference in areas such as Al Maamoura.”

This story was written by AICS based on content collected on ground by We World-GVC
Photo credit: We World-GVC

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